
You can select to search from Board Certified Therapists, Assigned Schools, Approved CE Providers, and Courses below. Each will open up a unique set of search options to choose from.

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This Directory Service and the information contained within it may not be used by any person or company for solicitation, marketing, or other commercial purposes.

NCBTMB may terminate an individual or company’s use of or access to the Directory at any time. NCBTMB reserves the right to update or modify these Terms of Use from time to time by posting here.

Revised November 2020

Board Certified Therapists


Approved CE

Ready to take the next step?

Join our community of massage therapy professionals and access the resources, education, and the support you need to advance your career.

Get Board Certified

Earn the highest credential in the massage therapy profession and gain recognition for your advanced skills and abilities. 

Become an Approved Provider

Share your expertise and become a part of the leading network of massage therapy continuing education providers.

Become an Assigned School

Join us and support a national standard of excellence in massage therapy education.